Danish Kroon (DKK)
Exchange Rates: Cash, Notes & Coins
CommerzbankBanknotes, EUR
- Over the Counter
Buying, selling Germany DKK-Euro
Danmarks NationalbankCentral Bank
- Currency Denmark
Banknotes and coins, currency pictures, security features
WikipediaNotes & Coins, History
Credit Card Rates
OANDAInterbank Rate, Credit Card Rate
- DKK to EURCreating your own rate tables and margin
- DKK to USD
Currency Rules, Exchange Regulations
IATACurrency Import, Export
- Local currency, foreign currency
Currency Import and Export regulations
Purchasing Power
The EconomistBig Mac Index
- Big Mac Index
Big Mac Price (in Danish Krones and in US Dollars),
Implied PPP rate, Valuation against the US dollar, Chinese Yuan, Euro, Japanese Yen,
British Sterling
OECDPurchasing Power
- Purchasing Power Parities Data
Monthly comparative price levels are defined as the ratios of PPPs
for private final consumption expenditure to exchange rates.
MercerCost of Living
- Worldwide Cost of Living
City ranking - The index measures the comparative cost of over
200 items in each location, including housing, transport, food,
clothing, household goods and entertainment.