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U.S. Dollar (USD, $)

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Investing.comFX Rates, Converter
  • FX USD/USD Exchange Rates - Realtime - Currency Converter

Foreign Exchange Rates

  • Euro EUR to US Dollar (USD)
    2.15 p.m. CET; 3.15 p.m. CEST (1 July 2016 at around 16:00 CET)

    (1 July 2016 at around 16:00 CET)

    1 July 2016 the reference rates will be updated at around 16:00 CET)
    Latest, Change, Minimum, Maximum, Reference rates
    over last four months, Current quotes, historical
St. Louis FedU.S. Dollars
  • USD Exchange Rates
    Exchange Rates: Daily Rates, Monthly Rates, Annual Rates, Trade-Weighted Indexes and by Countries
  • Foreign Exchange Rates
    Trade Weighted U.S. Dollar Index: Broad, Goods and Services, foreign exchange rates
  • U.S. Dollars to one Euro
federalreserve.govForeign Exchange Rates
  • Foreign Exchange Rates
    · monthly
    Noon buying rate in New York City for cable transfers, daily Update
Yahoo! FinanceCharts USD/EUR
  • USD Chart
    Bid, Ask, Technical Indicators, 52 Week Range, Day's Range
European CommissionAccounting Rates USD to EUR
  • USD
    Bid, Ask, Close;
    Performance, Charts, Quoteboard;
    Technical, Derivatives, News, TraderScreen

Dollar Index

BarchartDXY Dollar-Index
    US Dollar Index Future - Spot Price
    Detailed Quote - Past 5 Days, Historical and news Highs and Lows




International Monetary Fund (IMF)SDR, IMF Exchange Rates