
Flag Norway


Norwegian Krone (NOK)

Forex quote USDNOK chart

ECB reference rate EUR/NOK

European Central Bank (ECB)ECB reference rate EURNOK
  • Euro EUR to Norwegian Krone (NOK)
    2.15 p.m. CET; 3.15 p.m. CEST (1 July 2016 at around 16:00 CET)

    Latest, Change, Minimum, Maximum, Reference rates
    over last four months, Current quotes, historical rates;

FX realtime USDNOK | currency converter

Investing.comFX Rates, Converter
  • FX USD/NOK Exchange Rates - Realtime - Currency Converter

FX Markets & Reference Rates

St. Louis FedNorwegian Krone to One U.S. Dollar
  • Chart: Real Effective Exchange Rates REER
    Based on Consumer Price Index for Norway
Norges BankDaily and historical rates
Federal ReserveDaily Update NOK to USD
Federal Reserve Bank of St. LouisDaily Rates NOK to USD
European CommissionAccounting Rate NOK to EUR
x-rates.comExchange Rates
Yahoo!Chart NOK


International Monetary Fund (IMF)SDR, Exchange Rates NOK to USD

International Reserves

Norges BankForeign Exchange Reserves
International Monetary FundForeign Exchange Reserves

Money Supply

UNdataMoney Supply