EuropeCurrency Purchasing Power, Cost of Living
St. Louis FedReal Effective Exchange Rates
- Real Effective Exchange Rate
Based on Manufacturing Unit Labor Cost
for the United States and Euro Area
The EconomistBig Mac Index
- Big Mac IndexInteractiv Chart
Big Mac Price (in Euro and in US Dollars), Implied PPP rate, Valuation against the USD;
Select a base currency: the yuan, the euro, the yen, sterling and the US dollar or
or adjusted for GDP per person.
EURESCost of living
- Cost of living
Housing, meals, transportation, social security, businesses, daily demand
UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG)Purchasing Power US Dollar
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
PPP (private consumption);
Conversion factor local Currency in USD
OECDPurchasing Power OECD Countries
- Purchasing Power Parities Data
Monthly comparative price levels are defined as the ratios of PPPs
for private final consumption expenditure to exchange rates. - Purchasing power parity OECD member countries
Purchasing power parity (PPP): GDP, private consumption - Purchasing power parity since 1970
- Changes in exchange rates and purchasing power parities
UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)Exchange Rates, Purchasing Power
- Purchasing power parity OECD member countries
Purchasing power parity (PPP): GDP, private consumption - Purchasing power parity since 1970
- Changes in exchange rates and purchasing power parities