US-Dollar Trade Weighted Index
Federal Reserve Bank of St. LouisTrade Weighted U.S. Dollar Index
- Trade Weighted U.S. Dollar Index
„The Broad Index“: Major Currencies, Broad, Real,
Other Important Trading Partners
Federal Reserve BankDollar Indexes
- The Foreign Exchange Value of the Dollar
Nominal Indexes, Real Indexes: Broad, Major Currencies, OITP, G-10
St. Louis FedTrade Weighted U.S. Dollar Index: Broad and Major Currencies
- Trade Weighted Indexes
- Trade Weighted U.S. Dollar Index: Major Currencies, Broad
- Real Effective Exchange Rate
Based on Manufacturing Unit Labor Cost for the United States and Consumer Price Index
The EconomistBig Mac Index
- Big Mac Index
Big Mac Price (in local currency and in US Dollars),
Implied PPP rate, Valuation against the US dollar, Chinese Yuan, Euro, Japanese Yen,
British Sterling
UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG)Conversion Factor, Country Comparisons
- PPPs and exchange rates comparison for OECD-States
Purchasing power parities (PPPs) for GDP, for private consumption and
for actual individual consumption - Country Comparison: PPPs since 1970
Prices - Purchasing power parities and exchange rates - Rates of conversion - Changes in exchange rates and purchasing power paritie
Average annual growth in percentage since 1995
OECDPurchasing Power
- Purchasing Power Parities Data
Monthly comparative price levels are defined as the ratios of PPPs
for private final consumption expenditure to exchange rates. - Purchasing power parity OECD member countries
Purchasing power parity (PPP): GDP, private consumption - Purchasing power parity since 1970
- Changes in exchange rates and purchasing power parities
- Present worth of a past amount
A collection of calculators to help answer questions of Comparative Relative Value,
Comparative Growth, and other interesting questions.
Also a source of historical data.
Relative Values - US $, UK �, China