Turkish New Lira (TRY)
Exchange Rates: Cash, Notes & Coins
DenizBankBanknotes and Coins: Turkey
- Currency Exchange - TRY
Cash exchange: Banknotes
CommerzbankBanknotes, EUR
- Over the Counter
Buying, selling banknotes customer rates TRY-Euro Germany
WikipediaNotes & Coins, History
Currency Rules, Exchange Regulations
IATACurrency Import, Export
- Local currency, foreign currency
Currency Import and Export regulations
Purchasing Power
The EconomistBig Mac Index
- Big Mac Index
Big Mac Price (in Turkey Lira and in US Dollars),
Implied PPP rate, Valuation against the US dollar, Chinese Yuan, Euro, Japanese Yen,
British Sterling
OECDPurchasing Power
- Purchasing Power Parities Data
Monthly comparative price levels are defined as the ratios of PPPs
for private final consumption expenditure to exchange rates.
Credit Card Rates
OANDAInterbank Rate, Credit Card Rate
- TRY to EURCreating your own rate tables and margin
- TRY to USD