Venezuelan Bolivar (VEF)
Currency Converter
FX Markets & Reference Rates
St. Louis FedVenezuelan Bolivar to One U.S. Dollar
Banco Central de VenezuelaCentral Bank
Federal ReserveDaily Update VEF to USD
- Noon buying rate in New York City
Noon buying rate in New York City for cable transfers, daily Update
Federal Reserve Bank of St. LouisDaily Rates VEF to USD
- Foreign Exchange Rate: VEF to USD
With US recession dates in graph
ScotiabankMonthly USDVEF Forecast
International Monetary Fund (IMF)SDR, Exchange Rates VEF to USD
- IMF Representative Rates USD, SDRs
Representative Rates, SDRs per Currency unit, Currency units per SDR
Exchange Rates Notes & Coins
WikipediaNotes & Coins, History
IATACurrency Import, Export
- Local currency, foreign currency
Currency Import and Export regulations
Credit Card Rates
OANDAInterbank Rate, Credit Card Rate
- VEF to EURCreating your own rate tables and margin
- VEF to USD
Historical Foreign Exchange Rates
XE.comHistorical Exchange Rates
Federal Reserve Bank of St. LouisHistorical Exchange Rates
- Foreign Exchange Rate: USD to VEF
With US recession dates in graph
Federal ReserveHistorical Exchange Rates USD
- Time seriesSpot Exchange Rate
European CommissionAccounting Rate VEF to EUR
- Historical Monthly Rate
VEF (Venezuela) Bolivar Fuerte to Euro (EUR)
International Reserves
Money Supply
UNdataMoney Supply
World BankMoney and quasi money (M2) to total reserves ratio