International Currencies
Currency Converter
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Foreign Exchange Rates
db marketsOverview
federalreserve.govUS-Dollar (USD)
OECDExchange Rates
- Exchange Rates
National currency units per US dollar since 1960
European CommissionAccounting Rate: Euro (EUR)
- Monthly accounting rate of the euro (EUR)
Eurozone accounting rate: local currency units to Euro (EUR)
DeltaStockExchange Rates Developments
- Currency Relation
The Currency Relation Chart shows the percentage change for the
target currency plotted against the selected currencies.
The chart can be customized for any time period.
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)Effective Exchange Rates
- BIS effective exchange rates (EER)
EER indices for a total of 58 economies: Broad indices, narrow indices
International Monetary Fund (IMF)SDR, Exchange Rates
- IMF Representative Exchange Rates
Representative exchange rates, which are reported to the Fund
by the issuing central bank - IMF rates database
Retrieve exchange rates data from the IMF rates database
Money Supply, Reserves, Gold Reserves
Österreichische Nationalbank OeNBMonetary Aggregate M3, M2
- Monetary Aggregate
Euro area, the EU, USA, Japan, Norway, Japan, Switzerland, United Kingdom - ReservesReserve assets excluding gold
- Gold Reserves