
Flag Bahrain

Government Finance Statistics

Budget Debt, Surplus, Deficit

  • Media
    Revenues, Expenditures, Surplus/Deficit, Total Outstanding of Public Debt
  • International Bank Positions in BahrainTabelle Quaterly
    (IBLR) track international claims and liabilities of reporting banks in Bahrain Bahrain: quota, reserve position, SDR holdings, outstanding credit,
    recent lending arrangements, projected payments due to the IMF,
    and monthly historical transactions with the Fund.
  • IMF Financial Data Query
    Cross-country historical financial data, including IMF members’ quota, reserve tranche position,
    SDR holdings, outstanding credit, projected payments,
    IMF’s borrowings and monthly historical transactions with the IMF.
World BankBahrain JEDH Indebtedness
  • International liabilities (BIS), reservesOktober