Government Finance Statistics
Budget Debt, Surplus, Deficit
- Debt
Foreign net debt, Federal government Bacen, State governments,
Local governments, Public enterprises, Federal government owned,
State governments owned, Local governments owned, GDP
National Treasury (FPD)Public Debt Data, Kredit-Rating
- The Federal Public Debt (FPD)
Debt incurred by the National Treasury to finance the Federal Government budget deficit,
included the refinancing of its own debt:
Federal Public Debt Management, Domestic Market, External Market,
Publications, Investor Relations - Sovereign Rating
Brazil's Credit Rating - Public Debt Brazil
The publication disclosure data on issuances, redemptions,
outstanding debt evolution, average maturity, maturity profile, average cost and
others for both domestic and external debt from Brazilian National Treasury responsibility.
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)Banks: IBLR BIS-Report
International Bank Positions in Brazil Quaterly
(IBLR) track international claims and liabilities of reporting banks in Brazil
World BankBrasilien JEDH Indebtedness
- International liabilities (BIS), reserves
World BankIndebtedness
- Government and Public Debt