Government Finance Statistics
Budget Debt, Surplus, Deficit
Government Debt Management AgencyGovernment
Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB)Government Debt Ratios, Country Comparison
- Government Debt Ratio in % of GDP
Hungary compared with Eurozone Countries
and forecast of debt ratio this and next year.
European Central Bank (ECB)Debt, Country Comparison
International Monetary Fund (IMF)Quota, Financial Position, SDRs, Payments
- Financial Position in the Fund
Hungary: quota, reserve position, SDR holdings, outstanding credit,
recent lending arrangements, projected payments due to the IMF,
and monthly historical transactions with the Fund. - IMF Financial Data Query
Cross-country historical financial data, including IMF members’ quota, reserve tranche position,
SDR holdings, outstanding credit, projected payments,
IMF’s borrowings and monthly historical transactions with the IMF.
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)Banks: IBLR BIS-Report
International Bank Positions in Hungary Quaterly
(IBLR) track international claims and liabilities of reporting banks in Hungary
World BankDebt Statistics
- World Bank: Debt Statistics
Countries that subscribe to the IMF’s Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS);
The QEDS database includes country and cross-country tables, and enables users
to query and extract data, by country, group of countries, and specific
external debt components.
The QEDS database is linked to metadata on external debt for
individual countries maintained by the IMF.
World BankHungary SDDS and JEDH Data: Debt (Chart)
- JEDH data of government debt, Central Bank, direct investment, external debt, liabilities
- Long term, short term, general government, bonds and notes, monetary authorities, money market, banks
EurostatGovernment Finance Statistics
- Government Finance
Statistical database of deficit, surplus and structure of public debt,
Annual and quaterly government finance statistics
OECDCompare Countries Debt
- Chart: General government deficit HungaryYearly; country comparison