Inflation Price Indexes, Inflation Rate Data, Charts
- Inflation Rate
Year, Month, Day
Census and Statistics Department (C&SD)Pricedevelopment
UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)Pricedevelopment
- Prices, Inflation
Indices, developments, indicators
Reserve Bank of AustraliaConsumer Price Index, Comparison
UNdataPrice Indices
- Consumer Price Indices
Consumer Prices and food since 2003 - Producer Price Indices
Domestic production, agricultural products, raw materials, intermediate goods
consumers' goods, capital goods - Wholesale Price Indices(Retail, RPI)
PricesCost of Living, Income
The EconomistBig Mac Index
- Big Mac Index
Big Mac Price (in Hong Kong Dollar and in U.S. Dollar),
What exchange rate would make a Big Mac cost the same abroad as it does in the USA?