Data and StatisticsEconomic Indicators
Banca DItaliaCentral Bank
- Statistics
Money, Banks and Finance, Financial Accounts and Household Wealth;
The Public Finances, External Transactions and Positions, Payment System,
Surveys of Households ond Firms, Main Indicators of the Italian Economy
National Institute of Statistics (Istat)Database, Labour
Ministero dell'Economia e delle FinanzeGovernment
World Bank ItalyEconomy, Country
- Country Data Profile
Population, Environment, Economy (GDP; Agriculture, Industry, Revenue)
States and markets, Global links - Economic Data
Wolfram|AlphaEconomic properties
- Italy Economic properties
GDP (growth, parity, per capita), Gini index, inflation rate, unemployment rate
UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)Economic Development
- Economic Development
MVA, production, employment and wages, growth, demand, trade
International Comparisons of Industrial Performance
International Monetary Fund (IMF)Development, Finance, Debt, Markets
- Economic Development
Statistics and estimates of the IMF: gross domestic product (GDP),
inflation, unemployment rate, state budget, public debt
UNEconomy, Population, Environment
- Economy, Population, Environment
Key Indicators: GDP, Balance of payments, Consumer price index, Industrial production index,
Agricultural production index, Food production index, Unemployment, Labour force, Employment,
Energy production, Major trading partners, Telephone subscribers, Internet users
OECDStatistics, Economics, Unemployment, Finance
- Italy: Outlook and Statistics
Statistics, Publications & Documents - Finance
UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)Economy, Transport
Data and StatisticsSDDS
National Institute of Statistics (Istat)DSBB, SDDS Indicators
- Economic Data, Financial Data
Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB)
Gross national product (GDP), price indices, industries, trade,
labour market, sentiment, debt,
consumption, money supply, interest