Israeli Economy
Foreign TradeImports, Exports, Partners
UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)Commodities, Imports, Exports
- Commodities, Imports, Exports
Share in total Exports, Share in total Imports, Trade balance, Trade balance ratio;
Traded Goods: Standard International Trade Classification (SITC)
World Trade Organization (WTO)Foreign Trade
- Trade Statistics
Economic indicators, import, export, ranking in world trade,
trading partner, trade policy, patents
UNCTADForeign Direct Investment (FDI)
- Country profile
Transport and international Trade in Israel:
FDI flows and stocks, mergers and acquisitions, largest TNCs
(transnational corporations) and regulatory changes.
European UnionTrade Relations
- Trade Relations
Trade in goods, Trade in services, Foreign direct investment, Economic cooperation - Trade Statistics
- Israel Trade Relations with World and EU
Trade-to-GDP ratio, trade in goods, trade in commercial services, foreign
direct investment,trade balance with EU and world, rank of Israel in EU trade - Trade volume indices🌎 Countries
- Export Helpdesk for developing countries
How to export to Europe: Requirements and Taxes,
Import tariffs, Preferential arrangements
Central Bureau of StatisticsImport, Export
UN ComtradeCommodities, Goods, Trade balance
- Goods, Food products, Agriculture products
- Balance of Payments (BOP)
Trade balance, goods and services
World Trade Organisation WTORegional Trade Agreements RTA
- Regional Trade Agreements RTA
Trade profiles • Tariff profiles • Trade policy review
Rank in world trade , Real GDP, Share in world total exports, Share in world total imports;
Patent grants by patent office, Trademark registrations by office.
Export.govBusiness Information
- Country Commercial Guide
Leading sectors, Trade Regulations and Standards,
Resource Guide, Market Research