

Data and StatisticsEconomic Indicators

OECDComposite leading indicator (CLI)
  • Composite leading indicator (CLI) Monthly; country comparison and aggregates
    Download, table, chart;

    Leading indicators comprise the composite leading indicator (CLI) and standardised business
    and consumer confidence indicators.
    They provide qualitative information useful for monitoring the current economic situation
    and advance warning of turning points in economic activity
World Bank GroupNews, World Economic Development
  • World Development Indicators, WDI

    GNI per capita, PPP, GDP (current US$), GDP growth (annual %), Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %),
    Agriculture, value added (% of GDP), Industry, value added (% of GDP),
    Services, etc., value added (% of GDP), Exports of goods and services (% of GDP),
    Imports of goods and services (% of GDP), Gross capital formation (% of GDP), Cash surplus/deficit (% of GDP),
    Start-up procedures to register a business (number), Market capitalization of listed companies (% of GDP),
    High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports), Merchandise trade (% of GDP),
    Net barter terms of trade index, Personal remittances, paid (current US$),
    Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$)
St. Louis FedEconomic Trends, Productivity
  • Economy APEC States
    Over 120 economic indicators for all APEC members:
    Gross Domestic Product (GDP) / Gross National Income (GNI), Inflation,
    Labor Force Participation Rate, Labor Productivity, Economic Structure, Trade,
    Current Account Balance, Foreign Direct Investment,
    Tourism, Real Interest Rate, Total Reserves
Principal Global Indicators / IMFEconomic and Financial Developments
United Nations Statistic DivisionMillennium Development Goals, Key Indicators
  • Key Indicators
    Crime, Education, Energy, Environment, Finance, Food and Agriculture, Gender, Health, HIV/AIDS, Human development, Indicator database, Industry, Information and Communication Technology, Labour, National accounts, Official Development Assistance, Population, Refugees, Tourism, Trade
UnctadInvestment Report, FDI, Statistics
  • UNCTAD Reports
    International trade, foreign direct investment and commodities, economic trends
    International trade in goods and services, Trade trends, Trade structure by partner, product or service-category, Trade indicators, Market access, Economic trends, National accounts, Balance of payments,Exchange rates,Inflation rates, Foreign direct investment,Foreign direct investment flows and stock, External financial resources, Population, Commodities, Information economy, Creative economy, Maritime transport, Iron ore
UNdataEconomic World Statistics
  • Economy
    Labour market, gross national product, industrial production, economic relations
OECDEconomic Data, International Comparisons
  • Main Indicatorsmonthly
    Balance of Payments, Business Tendency and Consumer Opinion Surveys,
    Composite Leading Indicators, Financial Statistics, Industry, International Trade,
    Labour Force Statistics, Price Indices, Producer Price Indices,
    Purchasing Power Parities (PPP), Quarterly National Accounts
  • Statistical News Releases
UN ComtradeData series

Economic IndicatorsIMF, SDDS Data, Budget

World BankDebt Statistics
  • World Bank: Debt Statistics
    Countries that subscribe to the IMF’s Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS);
    The QEDS database includes country and cross-country tables, and enables users
    to query and extract data, by country, group of countries, and specific
    external debt components.
    The QEDS database is linked to metadata on external debt for
    individual countries maintained by the IMF.
International Monetary Fund (IMF)SDDS Country Data, Economic Indicators
  • SDDS Subscribing Countries
    Special Data Dissemination Standard National Summary Data Pages (NSDPs)
  • IMF Financial Data
    Countries quota, reserve tranche position, SDR holdings, outstanding credit,
    projected payments due to the IMF, arrangements and IMF’s borrowings,
    and monthly historical transactions with the IMF.
  • Budget Balances
    Euro area, the EU, USA, Japan, Norway, Japan, Switzerland, United Kingdom

World Labour

  • Unemployment Rates
    Euro area, the EU, USA, Japan, Norway, Japan, Switzerland, United Kingdom