Europe, EU, Eurozone


European Economy

Economic OutlookForecasts, Trends

European Central BankEconomic Financial Outlook
AllianzEconomic Trends and Forecasts
Oesterreichische Nationalbank OeNBComparison of Forecasts
  • Comparison of Forecasts
    Euro area, the EU, USA, Japan, Norway, Japan, Switzerland, United Kingdom
    Inflation, GDP, budget balance, government debt, unemployment
OECDEconomic Outlook
  • Economic Outlook
    Analyses the trends and forces of short-term economic
    prospects in each member country.
  • Eurozone
    BIP, Privatkonsum, Staatskonsum, Binnennachfrage
OECDEconomic Forecast EU (interactive Chart)
  • GDP growth, unemployment rate, budget balance, current account; iInvestment,
    consumption, inflation, GDP deflator; Balance of payments, export growth, import growth
  • OECD Outlook